How to Treat a Cat With an Upset Stomach

Upset stomach in cats is a common occurrence. According to an article on the Cat World website, vomiting can have many causes, including eating too fast, eating inappropriate or spoiled food, food allergies, intestinal worms, hairballs, certain diseases or ingestion of toxins. Occasional isolated incidents of vomiting are normal for cats and should not be a cause for concern. However, you can do things to ensure your cat is comfortable and recovers quickly after having an upset stomach.

Things You'll Need

  • Clean water
  • Boiled chicken
  • Rice
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    • 1

      See a veterinarian if your cat vomits repeatedly, suffers from diarrhea, has ingested a toxin or has a bloated abdomen. Your veterinarian may also request a sample of vomit for analysis. If your cat vomits once and does not seem otherwise sick, proceed to Step 2.

    • 2

      Remove your cat's food for at least 24 hours, giving your cat only clean water to drink. According to the Vet Info website, this helps your cat's stomach rest. Kittens should not fast for this long, since they need food approximately every four hours.

    • 3

      Feed your cat a small amount of boiled chicken with rice after she has fasted for 24 hours.

    • 4

      Provide more boiled chicken and rice after a few hours if your cat's stomach seems better. Gradually reintroduce your cat's normal food when she seems to be feeling better.

    • 5

      Contact a veterinarian if your cat's upset stomach does not improve within 24 hours.