Things You'll Need
- Cat litter pan
- Fresh cat litter
- Reduced calorie wet cat food
- Water dish
- Uva ursi and barberry herbs
Keep your cat well hydrated. Though your cat may prefer dry cat food, it is not always what is best for her. Cats that have higher levels of moisture in their systems are at lower risk of contracting feline cystitis. Aside from a constant supply of fresh clean water, it is recommended by veterinarians that you feed your cat wet canned food to aid in the prevention of feline cystitis.
Encourage your cat to exercise. It has been scientifically proven that cats who are overweight are more prone to developing feline cystitis while cats who maintain a regular exercise routine are less likely to be afflicted. Stimulating play and exercise for your cat can aid in weight reduction and lower the risk of him being stricken with feline cystitis.
Regulate feeding times for your cat. Cats that are allowed to eat at will, particularly indoor cats who experience boredom, are prone to weight gain that can increase the risk of contracting feline cystitis. By feeding your cat a wet, reduced-calorie diet, on a strict schedule, you can help keep her weight under control.
Frequently change your cat littler box. It is imperative that cats who are prone to this condition flush their bladders regularly. Since urination is painful for cats during episodes of feline cystitis, they often associate the condition with their litter pan. Keeping the litter fresh and clean and encouraging or rewarding visits to the litter box can help to prevent the occurrence of feline cystitis.
Control your cat's stress level. Veterinarians have linked stress to feline cystitis. If your cat endures regular aggravations by other pets, unruly children or other irritating surroundings, try to keep him in a calmer and more pleasant environment. Reducing the animal's stress level can reduce her risk of becoming afflicted with feline cystitis.
Use natural remedies. There are many natural remedies and homeopathic treatments available for cats. Pet products containing the herbs uva ursi and barberry have proven to be effective in preventing feline cystitis. Homeopathic remedies cantharis and staphysagris are also helpful in the prevention of the disease because they assist in ensuring a properly functioning urinary system.