Cat Allergy & Ear Infections

Allergies, whether from food or an inhalant, can cause an array of health problems for your cat, including ear infections. In many cases, ear infections are the first sign your cat may have allergies. It is important to know the signs and symptoms of ear infections and have it treated so you can move on to the root of the allergy problem.
  1. Allergy Signs and Symptoms

    • A common symptom of allergies in cats is excessive scratching due to itchy skin. If you notice your cat scratching more than usual, inspect him to see if there are other signs and symptoms of allergies such as constant licking, patches of hair missing or redness in and around the ears.

    Ear Infection Signs and Symptoms

    • Redness in and around your cat's ears is a telltale sign that something is brewing. An ear infection is accompanied by a foul odor and sometimes discharge from the ear itself. You cat may seem more irritable when he has an ear infection and you might notice him shaking his head or tilting it to one side.


    • Not all ear infections stem from allergies in cats. It is quite possible your cat could have fleas or mites or a buildup of bacteria and yeast, Hormonal changes can also trigger infections in the ears.


    • Treatment widely depends on the cause of the ear infection. If the ear infection is due to bacteria, your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics. If the cause is yeast buildup, he may prescribe an anti-fungal medication. The veterinarian will need to determine treatment for systemic conditions such as hormonal changes.


    • Cat allergies and ear infections frequently go hand in hand but to be certain, you must rule out all possibilities, as the underlying condition is crucial to the treatment. If your cat does have allergies, it is important to figure out just what she is allergic to. Your veterinarian can recommend tests that will unveil the allergen. In the meantime, clean you cat's ears regularly as instructed by your veterinarian.