Uses of Amoxicillin for Cats

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic similar to penicillin and other medications. Veterinarians prescribe this medicine to treat bacteria and viral infections in cats. However, as with other antibiotics, amoxicillin also kills good bacteria in the body. Overuse of this drug can result in a resistance to antibiotics. This is why many vets prescribe antibiotics sparingly.
  1. Bladder Infections

    • Amoxicillin is given to cats suffering with bladder infections. Some cats are more susceptible to bladder infections and others get infections more often as they get older. Doctors also prescribe this same medication for humans with urinary tract infections because it has the same effect. The medication kills the bacteria within a few days.This medication may cause some side effects like fatigue and diarrhea in some cats.

    Tooth Abscesses

    • Cats can develop tooth abscesses. This is an infection within the mouth from poor oral hygiene or old age. Most cats do not need their teeth brushed, but as a cat gets older this becomes more important. Just like humans, tooth decay can set in as the enamel wears down. If your cat develops an abscess, he will need take amoxicillin in addition to having teeth pulled.

    Skin Infections

    • Amoxicillin is also prescribed for cats with skin infections. If your cat spends time outdoors she is more likely to get hurt and suffer from wounds. If the wound gets dirty, infection can set in and medication is needed to clear up the problem.

    Respiratory Infections

    • Veterinarians prescribe amoxicillin for severe respiratory infections. Just like humans, cats can get colds, but sometimes your cat might need a little help to fight off the infection. Antibiotics help this process so the cat can breathe easier and get over the illness faster.