NSAID for Cats

If you have a cat or two or three, you know your feline friends experience pain in a way that's similar to human beings. Pain can come and go or linger. Acute, or sudden, pain can be a function of surgery or injury to any of your cat's organs, muscles or bones. Chronic, or persistent, pain in older cats can result from arthritis or joint instability, among other problems. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the most frequently used painkillers for pets, says veterinarian Ron Hines. Because of the cat's unique body chemistry, cat owners must approach the use of NSAIDs with caution.
  1. Function

    • NSAIDs block the effects of specific enzymes called Cox-1 and Cox-2. These enzymes are instrumental in the production of prostaglandins, which are behind the inflammation and pain an animal (or human being) experiences. Essentially, NSAIDs keep the body from churning out as many prostaglandins. No Cox enzyme, no pain.


    • Cats are fierce stoics compared with dogs. They are masters at hiding pain. Controlling your cat's pain can greatly improve healing in the face of surgery or in the event of disease. Administering painkillers earlier rather than later is always the best course of action. However, care needs to be take when giving NSAIDs to felines. Given their unique chemistry and liver function, NSAIDs can be dangerous, Hines says. Always talk to your veterinarian before administering any medication to your pet.


    • Because the liver enzyme bilirubin-glucuronide is not present in sufficient quantities in felines, NSAIDs have a tendency to remain in the bloodstream longer than they do in dogs or humans, Hines explains. This means that NSAIDs must be given judiciously--in small doses--and not often. Cats, like most animals, absorb NSAIDs well when given orally. If your cat suffers acute pain, your veterinarian can use an injectable form of the drug for speedy relief.


    • Cats do well with the NSAIDs known as meloxicam and ketoprofen. These two drugs can be found as flavored syrups or tablets. Cats tend to like the syrup because the dosing is so small. Meloxicam and ketoprofen are deemed safe when used for short periods and have been cleared for use in felines in Europe and Canada. However, only meloxicam (Metacam) has gained FDA approval for use in cats in the United States and only as an injectable, according to Vetmedica. Any NSAIDs given to cats must be administered under close veterinary supervision, according to Go Pets America. Never give NSAIDs intended for human consumption to cats, no matter the dose.


    • Adverse reactions to NSAIDs may include diarrhea, lethargy, decreased appetite, vomiting, or changes in mood or behavior. Because the liver removes NSAIDs from the body, these drugs must never be used if a cat has liver disease. Occasionally, NSAIDs can cause kidney damage in both cats and dogs. Stomach and intestinal bleeding are common side effects. Because different cats react differently to these drugs, it's critical that your veterinarian monitor your feline closely for side effects. This is particularly true if a NSAID is administered over a long period of time.