Cats' Skin Reaction to Advantage Flea

When used correctly, Advantage for Cats has been proven effective for the control of fleas. Advantage Multi has the added benefit of preventing heartworm disease and controlling ear mites, roundworms and hookworms with easy once-monthly applications.
  1. Skin Reactions in Cats

    • Advantage and Advantage Multi for cats can produce adverse reactions at the application site in the form of dermatitis (inflammation), pyoderma (bacterial skin infection with pus), erythema (abnormal redness) or alopecia (loss of hair), resulting in itching or scratching. Allergic skin reactions may include hives and facial swelling. Hair at the application site may be matted or appear oily, stiff or damp.

      If an adverse reaction occurs, wash the area thoroughly and contact your veterinarian.

    How to Apply

    • Advantage and Advantage Multi are applied topically to one spot of skin on the back of the neck. Part the hair to apply directly to skin, and use caution not to apply to an area where it could be licked by the cat or touched by humans or other pets for at least 30 minutes. If necessary, separate cats until the site area has dried.

      Use Advantage Multi as a once-monthly treatment for effective heartworm control. If not used year-round, apply beginning1 month prior to mosquito season through 1 month following last exposure.

      Dosage is administered according to weight or as prescribed by a veterinarian. Cats should be tested for the presence of heartworm before beginning treatment.

    How it Works to Control Fleas

    • The active ingredients in Advantage and Advantage Multi attack the nervous system to paralyze and then kill fleas. Biting stops within minutes and death occurs within an hour. 98 to 100 percent of residing adult fleas will be dead within 12 hours of application, and flea larva within 20 minutes. Continued monthly treatments will control reinfestation from existing pupae.

    Active Ingredients

    • The active ingredient in Advantage is the insecticide imidacloprid, which controls fleas. Advantage Multi contains imidaclopid and the added ingredient moxidectin, a parasiticide used for control of intestinal worms and heartworm. Both attack the nervous systems to paralyze and then kill fleas and worms.


    • Avoid oral ingestion. Cats that ingest Advantage or Advantage Multi through licking of the application site may experience increased salivation, tremors or vomiting.

      Do not use on cats younger than 9 weeks of age, sick or debilitated cats or cats weighing less than 2 lbs. The safety of Advantage on cats that are pregnant or lactating has not been established.

      Advantage can cause eye irritation in humans and is harmful if swallowed. Wash hands thoroughly after handling and do not allow children to touch the affected site for at least 30 minutes after application. If eye irritation occurs, flush with water and contact a physician. If ingested, contact a poison control center immediately.