Pregnant Cats and Fleas

Safe flea control sustains the overall health and well being of your pregnant cat. Chemical pesticides and collars should be banned during gestation. Consult your veterinarian to learn the best alternative flea control method for your cat and region.
  1. Prevention

    • Spray methoprene on cat bedding and other areas to prevent flea proliferation. Methoprene is a hormone that prevents flea larvae from becoming adult fleas, and is deemed safe to use around pregnant cats (and people).

    Safe Treatment

    • Use a flea comb to control fleas on your pregnant cat. Dispose of the fleas in warm, soapy water, which will kill them.

    Treatment Drawbacks

    • Flea combing takes time, and will not work on cats who are allergic or hyper-sensitive to fleas.


    • Never use chemical-based flea products like Advantage or Frontline on your pregnant cat. The labels indicate these products are not safe to use during pregnancy.

    After Care

    • Flea control becomes even more important after your cat delivers, since kittens can die from flea infestation. Your cat can go back on her regular flea control, and you should use the flea comb method on the kittens.