How to Check the Blood Sugar Level in Your Cat

Diabetes is a common and sometimes dangerous disease from which many cats suffer. It is often tricky to manage and usually requires insulin therapy, along with continuous monitoring of blood glucose. While many cats live long, fulfilling lives after being diagnosed, this is usually because of the diligence of their owners. One of the most important aspects in treating a diabetic cat is checking her blood glucose level often. This can tell you if your cat is maintaining a healthy blood glucose level or if the insulin needs to be adjusted.

Things You'll Need

  • Alcohol swab
  • Blood glucose monitor
  • Cotton ball
  • Lancet
  • Blood strip
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    • 1

      Purchase a blood glucose monitor that is made specifically for pets, if possible. While you can use a human blood glucose monitor, those made for animals are usually more accurate.

    • 2

      Organize your materials, such as the alcohol swab, lancet, strip and glucose monitor. It is important to have these items ready, because when restraining cats, time is of the essence.

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      Restrain your cat in a way that will allow you to obtain the sample, while ensuring that neither one of you will get hurt. One way to try is to kneel on the floor, holding your cat between your legs, facing away from you. Be careful not to squeeze the cat too hard.

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      Locate a vein in your cat's ear and prick it with the lancet. After you are done, apply a small amount of pressure to the puncture site with a cotton ball to stop the bleeding.

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      Transfer the blood from the lancet to the strip by holding it an angle and enter the strip into the glucometer.

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      Read the number on the machine and record it.