What Antibiotic Is Used to Treat UTI in Cats?

To treat a urinary tract infection in cats, also known as a UTI, most veterinarians will give them Clavamox.
  1. Symptoms of a UTI

    • Some signs of a UTI in cats are frequent urination, pain while urinating, excessive grooming of genitals, blood in the urine and peeing outside the litter box.


    • Always take your feline friend to the vet to be sure she has a UTI. A registered veterinarian will be able to do a urinalysis of your cat's urine and tell you for sure whether your cat has a UTI.


    • Clavamox is an antibiotic that contains amoxicillin and clauvanic acid. These are used to clear up and treat UTI in cats. This medicine is also used to treat other similar infections in cats or kittens.

    Reasons to Use Clavamox

    • Clavamox is also approved for uses such as skin and soft tissue infections, and cellulitis.

    Clavamox Dosages

    • Depending on the size of the cat or kitten, normally the dosage is 6.25mg/lb. For further instructions, more directions are on the bottle.