Causes of kidney disease can include genetic defects, chronic bladder or kidney infections, dental infections, environmental factors and an imbalanced diet.
Symptoms and Diagnosis
The most common symptoms of kidney disease include excessive drinking and urination. Other symptoms include weight loss, lethargy, dehydration, diarrhea and vomiting. A number of blood tests can be conducted by a veterinarian to diagnose kidney function, including the blood-urine-nitrogen (BUN), creatinine and phosphorous levels.
Because kidneys are responsible for cleaning the bloodstream and eliminating waste, the key to controlling disease in this tissue is reducing the amount of waste being filtered. This can be accomplished through diet and medication.
An acidified diet, and diets low in phosphorous are believed to contribute to kidney disease. There are prescription foods available through a veterinarian that can reduce the stress on the kidneys. Being aware of the amount of ash and protein in the cat's diet are important when treating kidney disease.
Because kidney disease is not a curable ailment, medication is used to help alleviate symptoms and extend the lifespan and improve the quality of life for the cat.
Kidney Treatment for Cats
Cats of any age can experience kidney disease, but it is most common in older cats. The most common kidney ailment is chronic renal failure (CRF), which impacts the ability to concentrate urine. Kidney disease can be difficult to treat, since they have a large reserve function and symptoms aren't exhibited until most of the kidney tissue is failing.