Eye Discharge in a Kitten

A small amount of eye discharge in a kitten can be normal. However, eye discharge can also be a symptom of a serious medical condition.
  1. Facts

    • It is normal for discharge to accumulate in the corner of your kitten's eye during the night. If it can be wiped away without any further accumulation during the day, then usually there is not a cause for concern.


    • A great amount of discharge during the course of the day or discharge that is thick, watery or bloody can be a symptom of a serious condition.


    • Eye discharge is common when a kitten develops conjunctivitis. Causes of conjunctivitis include a herpes infection, upper respiratory infection and staph bacteria.


    • Herpes infections are very common among kittens, especially kittens dealing with stressors such as poor nutrition. Upper respiratory disease is very contagious.The illness can be spread from one kitten to another through litter pans, food bowls and even human contact.


    • Eye conditions can result in blindness and tend to progress very quickly. If you notice eye discharge in your kitten, it is critical that you visit a veterinarian. The veterinarian will be able to diagnose and treat the eye condition.