Household Remedies for Cat Fleas

Fleas are a nasty problem that can be picked up by your cat, even if he or she is normally an inside dweller that escapes for a few hours. Fleas can spread from your cat into your home and onto you and your children. It is possible to rid your cat and your home of these nasty invaders without using harsh, potentially dangerous chemicals.
  1. Prevention

    • The best way to treat fleas on your cat is to stop the infestation before it even begins. Keep the cat's bedding clean and inside. Vacuum it regularly and consider purchasing a blanket or towel that can be kept on the bedding, so it can be more easily thrown into the washing machine. Feed your cat high-quality cat food and make sure he or she receives regular exercise. This will keep your cat's immune system healthy, which will make a flea infestation more unlikely. Keep your cat well groomed by giving him or her regular baths and daily brushings. This will ensure that any flea eggs that are found in his or her fur will be removed before a full-blown infestation occurs.


    • Instead of using flea dips, shampoos or other chemicals to get rid of any fleas that are found on your cat, utilize safe tools and cleaners that can be found in your medicine cabinet or at your local pet supply store. Use a fine-tooth comb that is specially designed for removing fleas and their eggs from your cat's fur. Fill the bottom of a steel tub or the bathtub with one or two inches of water and place a few squirts of liquid dish detergent into the water. Work the fine-tooth comb through the cat's fur. This will cause the flea and its eggs to fall out of the fur and die in the soapy water. You can also rub a cup of hydrogen peroxide into the cat's fur, making sure to avoid his eyes, mouth and nose. Rinse the hydrogen peroxide off before taking the cat out of the bath.

    Home and Lawn Care

    • Keep your home clean and well vacuumed, especially during the summer, which is peak flea season. Do not allow your cat to leave your home during this time and definitely do not allow him or her near strays or other cats that may be infested with fleas. Avoid mowing your lawn too short during the summer as well. A lawn that is kept a little longer will be attractive to spiders and ants, which are natural enemies of the fleas.