Home Remedies for Feline Bladder Infections

Feline bladder infections can be mild to severe, but there is usually some level of pain involved when an infection is present. A number of things such as kidney stones, stress, cancer or urinary incontinence can cause cat bladder infections. These problems can develop as your cat gets older. Thankfully, there are home remedies and homeopathic treatments to treat bladder infections.
  1. Cantahris

    • The Earth Clinic Website says, cantahris is a homeopathic treatment used to treat feline bladder infections and other ailments. Cantahris reduces pain and helps your cat to get over the infection faster. This treatment can be added to your cat's food or water. If your feline doesn't have an appetite, you can mix cantahris with water and give the medicine to your cat with a syringe. You can find this remedy at the health food store. The dosage instructions on the label are for humans because this remedy is also used on people; however, felines are much lighter than humans. Give your cat one third of the recommended dosage and see how he reacts. If your cat is heavy, he may be able to tolerate more. Other homeopathic treatments recommend by the Earth Clinic are chimaphila and nux vomica.

    Cranberry Juice

    • Cranberry juice works to treat bladder infections in felines and humans alike. The properties in cranberry juice cleanse and detoxify the bladder, which helps your cat to get over the infection faster. Giving your cat extra water and cranberry juice daily will speed up the healing process. If you notice blood in your cat's urine, this is a sign of a serious bladder or kidney infection. Call the vet right away if you see any blood. Watch your cat carefully. If your feline is unable to pass urine he may have stones.

    Vitamin C

    • Another home remedy to treat feline bladder infections is vitamin C. Vitamin C boosts your cat's ability to fight infection. Giving your cat vitamin C tablets in addition to other home remedies will help to clear up the problem faster. You can find vitamin C made just for pets at a pet store or online. If your cat will not chew the tablets, grind them up and sprinkle them in his water.