How to Catch Farm Cats to Treat Fleas

Many farm cats mean a lot of mice catching and, unfortunately, also a lot of fleas. Flea medication is easy to use, if the cats are friendly and easy to catch. But it poses a problem for medicating farm cats that are often as wild as bobcats. It is possible to trap the cats and treat them; and with cooperative cats, you will never even have to handle them. With the truly wild ones, however, two people comfortable with capture and restraint of feral cats and the occasional bite or scratch are needed.

Things You'll Need

  • Humane live trap
  • Cat food
  • Thick large towels
  • Flea medication
  • Spoon
  • Gloves
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    • 1

      Get one or two humane live cat traps to use. You can purchase these traps at local feed stores, some pet stores or at online retailers. Two common brands are the Tomahawk Live Traps and Havahart.

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      Set the trap up before nightfall in an area where you normally feed the cats. Do not feed the cats outside of the trap once it is set up.

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      Place the trap along a wall or fence or under a bush so the cats feel secure; do not place the trap in an open area. Cover the trap with a dark towel and place the food inside at the back of the trap.

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      Check the traps in the morning but do not remove the towel. The towel covering the trap makes the cat feel safe and will keep him calmer.

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      Medicate the cat while it is still inside the trap, if possible. Determine the position of the cat (without removing the towel--just take a peek) in the trap. Have the flea medication, a second towel and wet food on a spoon ready. Push the towel already on the cage back to cover half the cage and add the second towel to cover the other half. Position the opening where the towels meet to just above the shoulder blades of the cat. While one person gives the cat some wet food on a spoon, get the medication as close to the cat's back of the neck as possible through the bars between the towels and apply quickly.

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      Remove the cat from the trap to medicate if you cannot do it while the cat is inside the trap. For friendly cats, just take them out and medicate as per the label instructions. For wild feral cats, remove the cat by the scruff. Use gloves if needed. Have a second person apply the medication just under your hand holding the scruff. This all needs to be done quickly and efficiently, so have all supplies and a communicated plan in place before getting the wild cat out.