Seizures and Strokes in Pets

Strokes and seizures are serious disorders in pets that must be quickly diagnosed and treated to avoid permanent injury or death to the animal.
  1. Description

    • Seizures are sudden changes in muscular activity resulting in uncontrolled, uncoordinated movement. Strokes occur when a blood vessel ruptures or is blocked, resulting in a lack of oxygen to the brain.

    Additional Signs

    • Pets experiencing seizures may suffer from loss of bladder and bowel control and muscle stiffness. During a stroke, a dog or cat may have difficulty walking, and its behavior may change suddenly.


    • Strokes in pets can be caused by underlying conditions such as diabetes or a brain tumor, and sometimes as a result of head trauma. Seizures are typically the result of infection, poisoning or an underlying illness.


    • Pets can recover fully if they receive immediate veterinary attention. Treatment may include medications and physical therapy to assist the cat or dog through the rehabilitation process.


    • Some pet seizures or strokes will result in permanent disability. In these cases, the cat or dog may need continual nursing care and supervision at home.