Cures for Cat Allergies

A cat allergy may prevent you from fully enjoying your family pet. Humans who experience allergic reactions to pets are reacting to the cat's saliva and dandruff, which is dried flakes of skin. The result is often uncontrollable sneezing or coughing. Some families have to give up their cats because of allergies, but these conditions are treatable. There are several different methods to try.
  1. Tranquilizers

    • The animal tranquilizer acepromazine is sometimes used as treatment for a cat allergy. This tranquilizer is given to the cat in a very small dose so as not to cause the animal harm. The result is a chemical change inside the cat's mouth that reduces the effect of the saliva on the human. This remedy is given in the form of a tablet, which is crushed and added to the cat's food dish. Another option is to give the cat a few drops of a solution that contains 5 mg of the tranquilizer and one ounce of water.


    • Treatments are available for those who experience coughing and inflammation of the nasal passages or airways in reaction to cats. Antihistamines, which are often used to treat pollen allergies, are used to reduce the swelling and clear air passages. This cure should be used only after consulting with a doctor or physician. The most common antihistamines are nasal sprays.


    • Immunotherapy is another approach to curing cat allergies. The person is subjected to the allergy, which in this case is cat saliva and dander or the protein substance that is in cat dander and causes the reaction. Through this therapy, an afflicted person may be completely cured of the allergic reaction.

    Alternative Therapies

    • There are many different types of alternative therapies for curing cat allergies. These include an energy- based cure involving acupuncture called the Tapas Acupressure Technique. Pressure points on the body are activated with acupuncture needles while the allergen (in a sealed container) is placed next to the victim. The idea is that the body's energy field is disrupted by the energy of the substance and will be altered through the application of pressure points. Eventually the body will accept the allergen without having an allergic reaction.