Homeopathic Remedies for High Fever in Cats

Though cats have a higher average body temperature than humans, a temperature that climbs too high is still cause for concern. A fever can be the sign of a serious illness, but more often, it's the sign of a virus and can be easily reduced at home.
  1. Significance

    • Fever is your cat's body's way of fighting infections since many bacteria and infections can't survive above certain temperatures. For this reason, treating a fever may not always be the right course of action.


    • Symptoms of fever, which can be caused by a variety of illnesses, include lethargy, behavior changes, loss of appetite, swelling or wounds. Temperature can be taken rectally in your cat.

    Homeopathic Remedy

    • To reduce fever and boost immune system, there are already-made homeopathic remedies available, or make your own by mixing equal parts borax, phosphorous and pulsatilla. Put a pinch on the tongue daily.

    Home Care

    • Keep your pet as cool as possible with cool compresses on the belly and cool resting places. Monitor your cat's temperature at least twice daily until it returns to the normal 100 to 102 degree range.

    Food Enticements

    • Make sure your cat has access to fresh clean water and entice her to drink by adding tuna or clam juice. Entice your cat to eat with wet food, canned tuna or fresh meat.