How to Apply Frontline Plus for Cats

Frontline Plus is a once-monthly flea and tick control program for cats and dogs. Its two main ingredients, fipronil and S-methoprene, kill adult fleas and eggs and prevent larval and pupal development. Frontline Plus is a waterproof topical solution that lasts for 30 days. All animals in the house should be treated with Frontline at the same time to avoid flea relocation from one animal to another. Fleas that jump on a treated cat will die in 18 to 24 hours.


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      Apply Frontline Plus to dry skin. You may bathe your cat before applying the solution, but make sure her skin and coat are completely dry before applying Frontline Plus.

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      Remove the Frontline Plus pipette from the foil-backed container.

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      Snap off the tip of the pipette along the precut line. Hold the pipette so the label is facing you.

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      Choose an area where your pet can't lick. The recommended spot for application is between the shoulder blades.

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      Put the applicator tip against the skin between the shoulder blades and squeeze repeatedly to empty the applicator contents. Do not spread the solution. Empty the entirety of the pipette between the shoulder blades.

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      Avoid the urge to reapply if you see fleas; they are emerging from the environment and will die once they jump off your cat.