Laxatone for Cat Constipation

Cats experience constipation from time to time. This is primarily due to the relative low levels of fiber included in their diets and the tendency to ingest large amounts of hair during routine grooming. The good news is that there is an inexpensive and simple way to help cats overcome this problem.
  1. What is Laxatone?

    • Laxatone is a veterinarian-approved bowel stimulant for cats. It is palatable to cats and most will eat it voluntarily. Laxatone is used to relieve the symptoms of hairballs as well.

    Dosing Instructions

    • Give cats Laxatone on an empty stomach to boost its stimulant effects. Always follow your veterinarian's directions for dosing to prevent adverse side effects for your pet.You can expect that the dosing range will be somewhere between 1/2 to 1 tsp. once per day for two to three days, then 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. two to three times per week until the symptoms have resolved.

    How It Works

    • Laxatone contains mineral oil, which increases motility of the feces through the digestive tract and breaks up compacted feces. Overuse of Laxatone can cause diarrhea and malnutrition.


    • Immediately attend to a cat's constipation, as chronic, unresolved constipation can cause illnesses such as megacolon, where the cat becomes unable to defecate on his own.


    • Laxatone is available by prescription only. Have your cat evaluated by a veterinarian, and administer Laxatone per his directions. Do not self-treat cat constipation without having the cat evaluated by a veterinarian, as certain types of constipation, such as those caused by obstruction, should not be treated with Laxatone.