Feline Diabetes & Dandruff

A cat's dry, flaky skin may not seem like anything serious, but it could be a sign of feline diabetes. This condition is serious, and there are multiple treatment options that will not only help with the dandruff, but will also keep the cat's blood sugar under control.
  1. Feline Diabetes

    • Diabetes in cats is caused by either the pancreas not producing enough insulin or the cat's cells not responding correctly to insulin. When the cat eats, its body does not process the food properly, and high blood sugar results.

    Dandruff as a Symptom

    • According to Dr. Mike Richards, DVM, dandruff is one of the possible symptoms of feline diabetes. Other symptoms include vomiting and weight loss, increased thirst and urination, hind leg weakness, appetite changes, and foul breath.

    What to Look for

    • Skin flakes are the predominant sign of dandruff. The cat's skin may be itchy, dry and red.


    • Dandruff that is caused by diabetes should be taken care of by first getting the diabetes under control; such dandruff will usually improve or go away completely. Feline diabetes is treated with dietary changes, glipizide drugs and insulin injections.


    • Dandruff can be a symptom of other conditions, such as mites, poor diet or sunburn, so talk to your veterinarian if you notice changes in your cat's skin. Diabetes can be a life-threatening condition for your cat, so it is vital to work with your vet in order to find the best possible treatment.