Feline Breathing Disorders

Breathing problems affect cats of all ages, sizes and breeds. These common problems vary in cause and treatments. However, most can be easily cared for and managed with the help of an experienced veterinarian.
  1. Symptoms

    • Sympoms of respiratory problems in cats include wheezing, difficulty breathing, coughing or gagging.


    • Feline breathing disorders are caused by allergies, asthma, a bacterial, viral or fungal infections.


    • Your veterinarian will perform a physical examination along with other diagnostic tests to determine the cause and best treatment for your cat's breathing problem. Tests may include bacterial or fungal cultures, blood work, X-rays or allergy tests.


    • Depending on the cause of the breathing problem, treatment may include antibiotics, anti-fungal medication, oxygen therapy, asthma medication, change of diet, or allergy medication.


    • Certain infections that cause feline breathing disorders, such as cat flu, are extremely contagious amongst your other pets. They are also potentially deadly without proper veterinary treatment.