Aromatherapy for Cats

Aromatherapy. It sounds like a gentle, soothing way to calm your cat and heal its wounds. But don't be misled. Used incorrectly, aromatherapy can be toxic and even deadly to cats.
  1. Essential Oils

    • Aromatherapy for cats can be dangerous because it uses undiluted essential oils extracted from plants to promote healing and relaxation. Often cats cannot tolerate these substances.

    Toxic to Cats

    • Cats lack the enzymes needed to break down and excrete some of the chemical compounds in essential oils. These compounds accumulate in the cat's body and can cause toxicity and death.

    Signs of Toxicity

    • Just one drop of some essential oils can be toxic to cats. Signs of toxicity are vomiting, dizziness, clumsiness, loss of appetite and lethargy.

    Hydrosols Are Safe

    • Hydrosols, or hydrolats, the byproduct of the process that extracts the essential oils from plants, are so diluted that they're safe for cats. The product label should say "steam distillate waters."

    Uses of Hydrosols

    • Hydrosols have a delicate scent and can be used for flea and tick control, cleaning ears or to calm an anxious cat. They also have anti-inflammatory properties.


    • Hydrosols can be added to the cat's water, sprayed in the air or applied to the skin. Naturopathic doctor Maryanna Sandurson suggests starting aromatherapy by spraying the hydrosol in the air so the cat can get accustomed to the smell and leave the room if it's bothered by the scent.