Cats & Occasional Wheezing

Cats are silent hunters. They move through life with a graceful, quiet ease. When a cat wheezes, it belies this silent elegance and may indicate a serious problem. Only a veterinarian can accurately diagnose the reason for occasional cat wheezing.
  1. Identification

    • Wheezing is a noise that indicates air is unable to pass through a cat's airways at full capacity. Wheezing sounds like a strained, nasal whistle.


    • Upper respiratory infections, asthma, hairballs and heart problems are all causes of wheezing. All but hairballs are considered a serious problem needing veterinary attention.

    Time Frame

    • Examine when your cat wheezes. Occasional wheezing after exercise may indicate your cat is out of shape or it could be indicative of asthma. Chronic wheezing that manifests during certain parts of the year can indicate seasonal allergies.


    • Wheezing accompanied by sneezing and abnormal discharge from your cat's eyes may indicate an upper respiratory infection.


    • Occasionally, wheezing indicates a serious heart problem. Any problem that causes inflammation of the heart puts pressure on the lungs and trachea, making it difficult for a cat to breath properly. Seek emergency veterinary care if intermittent wheezing is accompanied by any other symptoms or persists for more than 10 minutes.