Allergies in Cats & Dogs

Many owners are surprised to hear that their dog or cat is suffering from allergies. Fortunately, advances in veterinary medicine have made it easier than ever for owners to control and relieve their pet's allergies.
  1. Misconceptions

    • Many pet owners assume that a pet will display allergies in the same way that a human would. In humans, a pollen allergy would cause sneezing, for example. However, in pets, this same pollen allergy would cause skin issues.


    • In pets, common allergens include food additives such as grains, food coloring, dairy products, dust, fleas, weeds and grass.


    • Cats and dogs display many of the same symptoms of allergies, including mild to intense itching, hair loss and mutilated skin. Dogs may also suffer from reoccurring ear infections or they may chew on their feet, and cats may have skin lesions or they may pull out tufts of fur.


    • To confirm allergies and determine the underlying cause, the veterinarian will either recommend an elimination trial or perform either a blood test or intradermal skin tests.


    • Treatment options for pets include topical anti-itch sprays, hydrocortisone shampoos, omega 3 fatty acid supplements, antihistamines, steroids or simply avoiding the offending allergen.