Chronic Feline Sinusitis

Sinusitis, or sinus infections, in cats are as uncomfortable for cats as they are for humans. Even worse is chronic sinusitis̵2;sinus infections that happen often and regularly. Veterinary treatment for chronic sinusitis is recommended to relieve your cat and keep him healthy.
  1. Symptoms

    • Symptoms of feline sinusitis include sneezing, discharge from the eyes and nose, nose bleeds, appetite loss, bad breath and pawing at the nose or face. In chronic cases these symptoms occur frequently, even after you have cleared up the last infection.


    • Chronic sinusitis may be viral, bacterial, fungal, the result of dental problems, nasal polyps or cancer.


    • Your veterinarian may perform blood tests, X-rays, CT scans, an MRI, nasal cultures or biopsies to diagnose chronic sinusitis in your cat.


    • Treatment may include the use of humidifiers, keeping the nose clean and dry, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory or antifungal medication, or surgery.


    • Follow your veterinarian's instructions for treatment exactly. If you have more than one cat, separate any ill cats from your cat who suffers chronic sinusitis to avoid any recurrence.