How to Treat a Cat With Hypothryoid

Hypothyroidism is a relatively rare disorder in cats that occurs when not enough of the naturally occurring hormone thyroxine is produced. According to information published by, hypothyroidism usually arises as a result of being treated for hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism is generally easy to treat.


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      Determine the cause of the condition. Hypothyroidism can be caused by some medications, such as methimazole, and therefore can be treated by discontinuing or adjusting the use of that medication.

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      Add vitamins and herbal supplements to your cat's diet. According to the experts at, vitamins A and C, Omega 6 fatty acids and ingredients such as parsley, kelp, alfalfa and oats have been found to benefit some cats with hypothyroidism.

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      Give your cat a synthetic thyroid hormone supplement such as thyroxine. Supplementation will need to be continued for the rest of your cat's life, starting with a low dose and increasing with prolonged use.

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      Treat your cat's hypothyroidism with drug therapy as directed by the cat's veterinarian.