What to Do If a Cat on Prednisone Has Diarrhea

The corticosteroid drug prednisone is used to treat a variety of feline medical conditions. Common problems treated with prednisone are inflammatory intestinal problems such as inflammatory bowel disease, adrenal tumors and even pituitary tumors. Prednisone use in cats may result in several side effects, including diarrhea. Diarrhea from prednisone is easily treated and cleared up, however, by taking a few simple steps.
  1. Check the Dosage

    • While feline diarrhea is a common side effect of prednisone, steps can be taken to help eliminate this side effect. First, make a note of your cat's prescribed daily dosage of prednisone, and then contact your veterinarian to discuss that dosage. Depending on why your cat needs prednisone, your veterinarian may be able to reduce your cat's daily dosage. In turn, this should eliminate (or at least reduce) side effects your cat experiences. Furthermore, your veterinarian can offer helpful suggestions to make your cat more comfortable while undergoing treatment with prednisone.

    Treat and Prevent

    • Cats can become very dehydrated when suffering from diarrhea. They also sometimes need to drink more when taking prednisone. So ensure that your cat's fluid consumption is up to par. Keep clean, fresh water available at all times, and consider offering your cat Pedialyte to keep her hydrated. Feeding her a bland diet (small amounts of cooked chicken with boiled rice) can reduce stomach and intestinal inflammation, but consult your veterinarian regarding the best foods to feed your particular cat in this situation.

    Be Alert

    • Once you begin to treat the diarrhea, keep an eye on your cat. Closely monitor his stools to ensure the diarrhea stops and that no blood in his diarrhea or regular stool and urine. Prednisone may result in other side effects, including fluid retention, excessive urination, vomiting and behavioral changes. If your cat continues to have diarrhea or experiences any of these other symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately. It's possible that more dosage adjustments may need to be made to keep your cat healthy and comfortable.