Home Remedies for Cat Injuries

When your cat suffers a major injury, your first course of action is to get her to a veterinarian immediately. If the injury is minor, however, treating her at home is an option. Knowing basic home treatments for minor injuries helps save you from expensive vet bills. Plus, avoiding a trip to a vet can help lessen the stress your cat experiences.
  1. Nail Bleeding

    • Many cat owners trim their cat̵7;s nails at home. Injuries can occur if you trim the nail too short and cut through the quick. The quick, the pink line you can see through your cat̵7;s nail, is a blood vessel. When it's cut it can be painful for your cat and tends to bleed profusely. If you have styptic powder (antiseptic clotting agents that are effective at stopping bleeding) at home use it to stop the bleeding. Moisten a cotton ball and dip it in the powder. Then press the cotton ball against your cat's claw for 5 to 10 seconds.

      If you do not have styptic powder, scrape your cat̵7;s nail over top of a dry bar of soap to stop the bleeding. Another option is to pour baby powder, baking soda or flour into your hand. Then place the cat̵7;s paw in the powder to stop the bleeding. No matter which option you choose, keep your cat still for awhile after the bleeding stops to keep it from resuming.

    Minor Scrapes and Cuts

    • Regardless of how your cat was cut, you should begin treating a minor cut immediately. Begin by rinsing the area thoroughly with clean water. If you have witch hazel on hand use it to clean the wound. If you don't have witch hazel, hydrogen peroxide will clean the area; however, it may sting your cat so be prepared for a reaction. If the site continues bleeding, apply pressure to the spot for five minutes with a clean rag. Once the bleeding has been controlled, trim any fur from the area to avoid infections. If the bleeding still continues, contact your vet for further treatment.


    • Cats are curious. They use their mouths to explore objects and from time to time they may choke on the object. If you see your cat choking, gagging or wheezing, open his mouth and look inside. Use your fingers to hold his tongue down and look down his throat. If you can see the object, use a pair of tongs or tweezers to pull the item out of his mouth. If you cannot see it, take your cat to the vet. The Heimlich is another option, but only for those trained in it.