How to Tell If a Cat Is Dehydrated?

You care deeply about the health of your beloved feline, and so of course you want the ability to diagnose any health problems she may have. Dehydration can take a very serious toll on a cat if untreated, so you should know how to recognize the symptoms of this dangerous but manageable condition in order to take the appropriate action whenever necessary. After all, Fluffy can't talk, so the responsibility lies with you.


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      Feel your cat's gums. If properly hydrated, you should feel firmness and moisture. If the gums are dry and sticky, this likely indicates dehydration.

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      Lift the cat's upper lip and press your finger against the gums, then remove it. Time how long it takes for the white spot where your finger was to return to a pink color. It will only take one or two seconds in a properly hydrated cat.

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      Gently lift the skin on the scruff of the neck and let go. The skin should slowly return to its natural position. If the skin just hangs lifelessly, this suggests dehydration.

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      Monitor the weight of your cat. A sudden, unexplained drop in weight can indicate dehydration. Pay particular attention if your cat loses a pound or more over the course of a day.

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      Look for sunken eyes, listlessness, elevated heart rate and constipation. All of these things can serve as potential indicators of dehydration.