What Is a Cat Distemper Combo Vaccination?

The cat distemper combination vaccine comes in either a three-way or four-way injection which helps prevent common diseases in healthy cats. It contains dead virus strains to boost immunity.
  1. Panleukopenia

    • This is the proper name for cat distemper, and is one part of the vaccine. The virus decreases the number of white blood cells, making the cat susceptible to infection.


    • A common upper respiratory disease, it is caused by the herpes virus. Nasal congestion make it difficult for cats to smell and they often will not eat.


    • Another respiratory infection that can lead to dehydration. If a secondary infection occurs, it can lead to serious complications.


    • Only in the four-way vaccine is this preventative seen. The disease can cause conjunctivitis, an eye infection.


    • Vaccines are given to boost the animal's immune system against disease. These diseases can become severe and even fatal. A simple vaccine is able to reduce the symptoms or even prevent an infection.