Chronic Diarrhea in Felines

Diarrhea can quickly become a life-threatening issue if left untreated. Any cat who may potentially have severe diarrhea or chronic diarrhea should be seen by a veterinarian immediately to prevent more serious health issues from occurring.
  1. Symptoms

    • Symptoms of chronic diarrhea include an increase or decrease in volume of stool, weight loss, abnormal feces, vomiting, increase in frequency of defecation, lethargy and loss of appetite; all of which must occur for three weeks or more to be considered chronic diarrhea.


    • Causes of chronic diarrhea in cats include irritable bowel disorder, parasites, toxins, congenital defects, tumors, changes in diet, infections, food allergies, intestinal blockage and bacterial overgrowth.


    • To confirm chronic diarrhea, the cat may undergo several tests including a physical exam, blood tests, X-rays, multiple fecal studies, a urinalysis, biopsies of the stomach or intestines and ultrasounds.


    • Treatment will vary based on the underlying cause of chronic diarrhea and may include a change in diet, deworming or antibacterial medications. In severe cases, the cat may require hospitalization with IV fluids and supplemented nutrition.


    • Feeding a cat a low-fat diet can help improve the overall health of the cat and aid in preventing chronic diarrhea.