How Do I Give My Cat Ear Drops?

Most cats are downright stubborn and unwilling to take the necessary medicine that will make them better. Instead, the hide under chairs, claw at our hands and run away when all we are trying to do is get them well. When giving your cat medicine, it is crucial to keep both his safety and yours in mind.
  1. Administrating The Ear Drops

    • When giving your cat ear drops the most important thing to do is keep him as calm and comfortable as possible. Most cats will squirm and try to get away no matter what you do. So keeping a firm but gentle hold on him will help the process go by quickly and smoothly.

      To start, place your cat on a table or on your lap. Drape your arm across his body to help keep him steady. If Mr. Kitty is fighting and scratching, wrap him in a towel to keep his claws away from your flesh. Cats have a tendency to push away from us when we try to give them medicine. If this is the case, keep your body or a wall behind the cat to keep him from moving backwards.

      Once you have him situated, cradle his head with one of your hands. Hold his head both firmly and gently. You do not want to cause injury to him. Tilt his face upwards and hold the ear flap back. Hold the tip of the dropper as close to the ear as possible but without it touching the inside or outside of the ear. Squeeze the correct amount of drops into his ear opening. With your free hand, massage the side of his face and ear to help move the medication down the ear canal. Wipe away any excess medication that might have dripped on the kitty. Once you have administered the ear drops, give your cat praise and a treat.


    • Read and follow all directions on the bottle of ear drops. Be sure not to give your cat too much of the medication. If you have any questions regarding dosage, contact your veterinarian.

      Trying to give a cat ear drops is not an easy task. Talking to your cat in a soft, calming tone can help relax him. Never yell or hit him.