Things You'll Need
- Wheat grain
- 2 plastic pots (6- to 8-inch diameter, 3 inches deep)
- Topsoil
- Paper
- Spray bottle
Soak the wheat grain in a plastic container for approximately eight hours.
Prepare one of the pots with soil. Use soil that is free of chemicals.
Gently spread the soaked wheat grain on top of the soil.
Add a thin layer of soil over the wheat grain.
Cover the pot with paper to create a dark environment for the wheat grain to sprout. Place the pot out of your cat's way so he is not tempted to knock off the paper.
Uncover the pot daily and spray water onto the wheat grain, covering the pot back up when you are done.
Remove the paper cover from the pot when you begin to see green leaves emerge from the wheat grain.
Allow the wheat grain a week to grow into grass, and sprinkle it with water daily. Place the pot in a place accessible to your cat, and watch him enjoy his very own wheat grass plant.
Begin growing more wheat grass in a separate pot, so your cat won't have to go very long without fresh wheat grass. Alternate pots so that one is growing more grass while the other crop is being enjoyed by your cat.