How to Find Out if Your Cat Has Worms

Cats are sensitive animals, but they sometimes don't show many symptoms when they are infected with a parasite, such as worms. The three main types of cat worms are tapeworms, roundworms and hookworms. Owners who suspect a pet might have worms can find out through some simple observation and a vet visit.


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      Observe the animal. Is it showing signs of illness, such as diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, lethargy or a dry, dull coat? If so, it may have worms. Not all cats show all of these symptoms, although these are the most common ones.

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      Check the cat's stool or vomit for white or pink segments that are shaped like small rectangles. These may signify tapeworms, which are the most common type of worms that cats get. Cats get them from eating prey, uncooked meat or from fleas. The worms attach to the cat's intestinal wall and are passed through the cat's stool or through vomiting. You also might see them attached to the fur on the cat's rear end. Dried tapeworm eggs look like grains of rice.

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      Check the cat's stool or vomit for white worms shaped like cylinders with pointed ends. These may be ascarids, a common type of roundworm. Cats get them by eating rodents or cockroaches, and they can be passed to kittens through the mother's milk. Roundworms can cause serious illness in kittens.

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      Examine your cat for other symptoms such as anemia, dark-colored stool and a rash between the cat's toes. These could be signs of hookworms, which are less common but cause the most serious side effects in cats. Hookworms occur in hot, humid climates, and a cat can get them from eating prey, bad meat or through the milk of a mother cat. Larvae migrate into the animal's body through the skin and move into the intestine. Hookworms are barely visible to the human eye and must be treated by a vet.

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      Isolate the cat if you see worms in its droppings or vomit, as the parasites can transfer to humans. Children are especially vulnerable.

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      Take your cat to the veterinarian as soon as possible once you detect worms. The vet will give the cat medicine to treat the condition.