How to Stop a Cat From Howling

Cats howl for a variety of reasons. This particular vocalization is used for long-distance communication as well as to express pain. While the sound can be distracting, it is best to determine if there is an underlying problem, especially if the onset of the behavior is sudden or recent. Even the healthiest and most content cat will occasionally howl, but the intent is to address excessive and troubling howls. Rooting out the cause should help reduce the howling.


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      Spay or neuter the cat if the surgery has not already been performed. Howling can be both a mating call and a declaration of challenge to trespassing cats. When sterilized, a cat has no desire to roam and howl to attract a mate. A female in heat will shriek for the entire cycle. When spayed or neutered, the behavior for both genders ceases.

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      Assess the living environment and interaction with humans and other pets. A cat that is regularly confined while the family inhabits a far corner of the house may howl for attention. Consider allowing the cat to roam the house. Also, make sure the cat that commutes to the yard has not been forgotten. Install a cat door if family members are lax about letting the cat inside, or keep the cat inside. Cats can be solitary, but they crave companionship.

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      Poll neighbors to find if they have recently adopted a cat. A new cat in the neighborhood may cause even a neutered cat to howl when the new feline is first perceived. Vocalization should subside when the newcomer loses her novelty.

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      Review medications prescribed to the cat. Night howling is a side effect of anabolic steroids. Medication may need to be adjusted, or you might need to be patient until treatment ends.

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      Visit the veterinarian to perform a blood panel. If none of the above steps helps, check to make sure the cat is not suffering from an illness. Excessive howling can be a symptom of hypertension or high levels of toxins and will subside when relieved.

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      Conduct a hearing test. This can be done by a veterinarian or through observation. A deaf cat tends to howl more often; he is unaware of his volume.

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      Assess the cat for cognitive dysfunction. It is an archaic belief that all old cats howl. Rather, cats with conditions comparative to Alzheimer's disease or with sensory limitations may vocalize due to disorientation. Treatments are available.