Feline Acne

Acne may develop in both male and female cats appearing on the chin, similar in appearance to a blackhead. In extreme cases of feline acne, cats may begin to lose their hair and the chin may become enlarged.
  1. Causes

    • Cats may develop acne from the bacteria found on some water bowls that are transferred to a cat's skin causing acne to form. Stress and allergies to certain dyes or chemicals may also cause acne to develop.


    • Feline acne may appear on the chin or lips. A veterinarian may diagnose acne by taking skin cultures and conducting comparisons to rule out other medical conditions.

    Treatment in Mild Cases

    • Mild cases of feline acne may be treated using special shampoos containing benzoyl peroxide, which breaks down the excess oil that may lead to acne formation. However, pet owners should use caution to not further irritate skin and may wish to consult a veterinarian before beginning over-the-counter treatments.

    Treatment in Moderate to Severe Cases

    • More severe cases of feline acne may require prescription medication. If a pet owner is uncertain about treatment, it is best to consult a veterinarian.


    • Using stainless steel or other types of metal bowls may aid in the prevention of feline acne. Pet owners should properly groom their cat as poor hygiene and ingrown hairs may contribute to acne development