How to Cure Siamese Cat Dandruff

Many people love Siamese cats for their unique coats, gracefulness and intensity of their blue eyes. The Siamese, like any feline, can develop dandruff--loose, dry flakes of skin floating in the coat and falling from the body. Diet and sun exposure are among the causes. Eliminate the dandruff and promote the health of your Siamese cat with proper nutrition and hygiene.

Things You'll Need

  • Oil supplement
  • Pet dandruff shampoo
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      Comb through your cat's fur carefully with your fingers or a flea comb to check for fleas or ticks. Fleas and ticks can deplete the skin tissues and cause dandruff. Use flea or tick medication if necessary. Brush your cat outdoors or in the bathtub, where the fleas can be washed down the drain.

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      Buy high-quality cat food specially formulated for the Siamese breed. Malnutrition can cause poor skin health. Many cheaper foods do not contain sufficient amounts of the vitamins and other nutrients needed to support Siamese bone and muscle structure.

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      Supplement your Siamese cat̵7;s diet with oil. According to veterinarian James Glover, an oil supplement such as pet fish oil will "help improve the metabolism of fats in skin tissue." Drizzle one-third of a capsule of a pet fish oil on the cat̵7;s food each day, give it a daily snack of one-fourth cup of tuna or drop a spoonful of olive oil onto its food two or three times a week.

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      Keep your cat indoors as much as possible. Siamese cats have shorter hair, and consistent exposure to sun and cold can dry it out. Outdoor allergens such as pollen can irritate and dry your cat̵7;s skin.

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      Bathe your cat with a pet dandruff shampoo to moisturize and soothe dry skin. Follow the directions on the bottle. Pre-moisten your cat̵7;s coat and massage with shampoo for at least five minutes. Dry thoroughly. Bathe your cat once or twice a week until the dandruff stops.

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      Take your cat to the veterinarian to ensure no other health issues are causing the dandruff. Dandruff can indicate feline diabetes, mite infestation or dehydration. Also take your cat to the vet if it has severe dandruff that includes skin rashes, cuts or scabs. Severe dandruff can cause itchiness, and the cat's scratching can cause raw skin.