Home Treatments for Leg Pain in Cats

Leg pain can be distressing for cats, and it becomes more of a problem as your cat grows older. Joints and muscles wear down and your cat can become weak. This is part of aging. If the pain is severe, your cat may have a broken leg. If you suspect that something serious is going on, then take your kitty to the veterinarian. However, if the leg pain is mild, you can do things at home to help relieve it.
  1. Arnica Tablets or Cream

    • Give your kitty arnica tablets or cream. This homeopathic treatment is used on bruises, strains and other injuries in cats and humans. You can gently rub arnica cream on your cat's leg or give him arnica tablets. These products can be found in most health food stores. Follow dosage instructions carefully. Give your cat only one-third of the human dosage.

    Dandelion Flower Remedy

    • Give your cat dandelion flowers. These herbs can be found at your local health food store. Mix a tsp. of dandelion flower with a small bowl of your cat's food. Dandelion flower is a gentle pain reliever for felines. You can also boil the flowers, let the solution cool and then give it to your kitty with a dropper. As long as your cat is not taking any medications, herbs should be safe in small doses. If you have questions or concerns, talk to your vet.

    Heating Pad

    • Use a heating pad to soothe your kitty. Heat helps to bring down swelling and inflammation and numbs the pain. When your cat is resting comfortably in her bed or lying on the couch, you can put a heating pad on her leg. Wrap the heating pad in a blanket so that direct heat is not on your cat. This will help the pad to be warm but not scalding. Pet your cat as you put the heat pack on her leg. Do this several times a day to help her feel better.

      Never give your cat acetaminophen (Tylenol). It can be very harmful to cats.


    • Apply an ice pack to your cat's leg. Cover the ice pack with a blanket so it's not too cold. Your feline friend might not respond to cold as well as he responds to heat. Apply ice to the injured leg several times per day, and comfort your cat with a gentle massage.