Outdoor Cats
Outdoor cats mark their territory. According to CatChannel.com, male cats emit pheromones within their urine. This indicates the cat's age, sex, sexual activity and how long ago he passed by. Spraying may occur because a male cat is issuing a warning or marking territory.
Top Reasons for Indoor Cats
Male cats are close to their owners. A multiple cat household may cause male cats to spray to mark territory. In addition, male cats may mark a master's clothes to indicate ownership.
Hidden Reasons for Indoor Cats
Somebody needs peace and quiet. An article from Cornell University indicates that medical problems and litter box aversions are hidden reasons. Age, painful urination and decreased control are all causes for spraying. Moreover, increased drinking, intestinal tract tumors and parasites can affect muscle control. Also, dirty litter boxes or harsh odors may be a cause.
Altering a Cat to Prevent Spraying
Neutering a cat can cut down on spraying. Male cats reach sexual maturity around six to eight months. Neutering can help reduce the tendency to spray. After the procedure, even if the cat continues to spray, the odor of the urine is not as strong.
The purrfect picture. A cat that is punished for spraying by hitting, spanking or slapping will in turn produce more spraying problems due to stress.
What Causes a Male Cat to Spray?
Both indoor and outdoor male cats spray urine. At various times in their lives, felines spray for sexual reasons, to mark territory, a medical condition or because of stress.