Oral Treatments
Vitamin E, vitamin B, cod liver oil, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids are all helpful supplements for treating ringworm. Ask your veterinarian about specific dosages for your cat.
Topical Treatments
Powdered turmeric, powdered or crushed leaf tulsi (holy basil), neem, echinachea and goldenseal are all used combined in a salve or individually to treat skin irritations. Undiluted colloidal silver or apple cider vinegar applied to the ringworm is also effective. Again, consult your veterinarian about the proper dosage for your cat.
Homeopathic ringworm treatment allows you to avoid using harsh chemicals, dips and internal medications with possible harmful side effects to treat the infection.
Always consult your veterinarian about any homeopathic treatment you use on your cat, as she can offer suggestions and alert you to any potential problems or contraindications.
Ringworm is very contagious and can be transmitted from your cat to other animals or humans. If you suspect that your cat has ringworm, take immediate action to control the condition.
Homeopathic Treatment of Ringworm in Cats
Contrary to its name, ringworm is not actually a worm but a fungal infection of the skin. Ringworm can be treated using conventional methods, although some pet owners prefer to use homeopathic methods to rid their cat of the infection.