Anti-Viral Medications for Cats

Cats are very popular pets. They can be very self-sufficient and don't require much care. They can be very affectionate as well. While they are known for being relatively "low-maintenance" companions, they are just as prone to illness as any other animal. Just as humans take medications for different maladies, there are antiviral medications that are useful in treating certain illnesses in cats.
  1. Ganciclovir

    • Ganciclovir is predominantly used to treat cats suffering from feline herpesvirus-1. FHV-1 is a common cause of respiratory and ocular problems in cats. Young cats are most susceptible between the time when they lose maternal immunity and the age at which they can be vaccinated. Ganciclovir is a white crystalline powder that must be administered intravenously. Dosage will have to be adjusted if your cat has a history of kidney problems, as these may be exacerbated by Ganciclovir. Ganciclovir is effective because it helps prevent the FHV-1 virus from replicating in the kidneys.

    Virbagen Omega

    • Another medication useful in the treatment of feline herpes as well as the feline leukemia virus is Virbagen Omega. It is a feline interferon produced via recombinant DNA technology in silkworm cells. Interferons are produced naturally by the body in response to a viral attack, and they bind to cell receptors to prevent viral spreading. Virbagen Omega has proven unsuccessful in cats suffering from anemia in addition to the viral outbreak. It is administered through injection.


    • Acyclovir has not been approved for pet use by the Food and Drug Administration but it may still legally be prescribed by a veterinarian. It can be administered orally, topically, or through injection and has been used to treat feline herpes and other viral infections. Its effectiveness has varied, with some cats showing marked improvement while others have shown none at all. It can cause anemia or renal dysfunction, so the cat must be closely monitored while taking the drug.