According to veterinarian Holly Nash, the yeast called Malassezia pachydermatis usually resides in a cat's ear without doing any harm. But if it grows out of control, then they can cause a bad-smelling and painful infection.
Primary Causes
Illnesses like allergies, tiny objects in the ears or too much moisture and hair can cause yeast infections. These plug up the ear canal and make a moist environment for yeast to grow uncontrollably.
Secondary Causes
Cat yeast otitis can also be the result from the antibiotics used to treat other types of ear infections, according to "Cat Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook;" by veterinarian Delbert G. Carlson.
Veterinarian Ron Hines claims that yeast ear infections in cats can be contagious. In a multi-cat household, all of the felines' ears need treatment.
Hines also states that the best way to prevent yeast infections in a cat's ears is to keep the ear as dry, clean and hair-free and as parasite free as possible. This will help keep any yeast spores from rapidly reproducing.
What Are the Causes of Yeast Infection in the Ears of Felines?
Yeast infection in a cat's ears is also called yeast otitis or fungal otitis. No matter what the cause, feline fungal otitis can be managed and sometimes cured through a vet visit and the use of anti-fungal topical medications.