What Are the Treatments for Alopecia in Cats?

Alopecia is a term for partial or full hair loss and is considered to be a secondary condition. Secondary conditions occur due to a primary condition, such as diabetes caused by excessive weight. To treat feline alopecia, the veterinarian will evaluate the cat and run tests to determine the underlying cause. Once the underlying cause is treated, the alopecia should clear up.
  1. Causes

    • Feline alopecia can be caused by a variety of conditions, including psychological disorders (which lead to over-grooming), mange, chemotherapy, infections, allergic reactions, parasites and congenital (present at birth) defects.


    • Many cats suffer from various allergens including food, pollen, mold and even plastic toys or clothing. If allergies are causing the alopecia, treatment can involve steroids or antihistamines to control the allergies.


    • Mange is a condition in which parasitic mites are living in and on the skin of the affected cat. For mange-induced alopecia, treatment can involve lime sulfur dips, ivermectin-based medications and pyrethrin-based medications.


    • Some cats may suffer from alopecia due to medication they may be on, such as flea control medications. Switching to another type of medication or discontinuing the use of medication is often enough to clear up the condition.


    • In some cases, feline alopecia may be permanent. Permanent causes of alopecia include congenital defects, injection site alopecia and sunburn.