Levothyroxine, a synthetic thyroid hormone supplement, is the medication of choice for hypothyroid cats.
Frequency and Dose
Levothyroxine is usually given once a day. Your veterinarian will determine the dose based on your cat's blood test results. Symptoms should clear up within a few weeks; however, most hypothyroid cats must remain on medication for life.
Giving Levothyroxine
Levothyroxine can be compounded into a liquid, soft moist treats, or a gel to rub inside an ear tip, making treatment easier for cats who are difficult to pill.
Natural Medication
Kelp contains iodine, which can help some hypothyroid cats. Ask a holistic veterinarian about the correct dose for your cat; you can find kelp at health food stores.
Regular Checkups
Hypothyroid cats on medication should be monitored regularly to make sure their thyroid values are normal. The veterinarian may need to adjust medication dosages.
Overdosage of thyroid medication can result in hyperthyroidism. Let your veterinarian know if you notice any of the following signs in your cat: weight loss, diarrhea, unusual vocalization, or restlessness.
Hypothyroid Medication for Cats
Hypothyroidism is a disease in which the body does not produce enough thyroid. It is rare in cats, occurring mainly in those who have had radio iodine treatment or surgery for hyperthyroidism. Symptoms of hypothyroidism in cats include weight gain; lack of energy; greasy, matted fur; dry, itchy skin and excessive dander; and aggression or anxiety. Medication can relieve the symptoms of hypothyroidism and return a cat's thyroid values to normal.