What Are the Brown Spots on My Cat's Mouth & Nose?

If your cat has brown spots that resemble freckles on its mouth, eyes, and nose, don̵7;t worry. These spots are usually attributed to a benign skin condition known as Lentigo simplex.

According to Dr. Louise Murray, Director of Medicine of the ASPCA's Bergh Memorial Hospital in New York City, Lentigo simplex is a skin condition usually found in orange and orange-faced cats.

The spots that look like freckles are considered to have no serious long-term health effects. However, it is always best to visit certified a veterinary professional for an accurate diagnosis of disorders in your pet.
  1. Symptoms:

    • Dr. Murray describes Lentigo simplex as ̶0;pigmented spots that occur in cats, particularly orange cats, usually around the lips, nose, and eyes.̶1;

      These spots may develop in the animal at any age, and may appear in one facial region and migrate to other facial regions over time. Spots may also increase with age.

    Most Common Affects

    • ̶0;Lentigo simplex normally occurs in orange and orange-faced cats,̶1; says Dr. Murray. ̶0;Lentigo simplex spots often occur at a young age and do tend to increase with age in cats. They do not lead to other conditions,̶1; adds Dr. Murray.


    • According to the Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary, Lentigo simplex is caused by deposits of melanin on the animal̵7;s skin.


    • According to The Merck/Merial Manual for Pet Health, because Lentigo simplex is considered benign and non-cancerous, there is no major course of treatment for the condition. Dr. Murray agrees, ̶0;Lentigo simplex, the pigmented spots occurring in orange cats, does not require treatment.̶1;

      However, because there are a variety of skin conditions found in animals, it is best to consult your veterinarian about any or all of these symptoms.

    Other Names

    • This condition is also referred to as Orange Cat Lentigo.