Natural Diet for Cat Kidney Support

A recall by the Food and Drug Administration in March 2007 initially affected more than 40 brands of pet food. The reason for the recall was kidney failure in cats and dogs due to the presence of melamine and cyanuric acid in commercially prepared food. Since then, the FDA added more than 180 additional brands (see Reference 1). Because cats, especially older cats, are highly susceptible to kidney problems, this recall is a significant reason many cat owners are opting to provide a more natural diet for their feline friends.
  1. About Feline Kidney Disease

    • A cat's kidneys act as a filter to remove waste from the blood. After filtering, toxins leave the cat's body via urine. When kidney disease is present, little to no filtering occurs and toxins remain in the body. Blood poisoning occurs and can result in death. Symptoms of kidney disease include increased water consumption, vomiting, sleepiness, and bad breath. Anemia can develop as kidney disease progresses.

      Diet is an important factor in supporting feline kidney health. Processed cat food can contain ingredients harmful to your cat's kidneys, or lack certain nutrients that aid in supporting kidney health. Potassium deficiency can result from feeding a cat food designed to lower her pH level. A side effect of a low pH level is increased urine acidity that causes the kidneys to have to work harder to clean the blood. The resulting increased urine output also increases potassium loss in the urine.

      Dry cat food can also contribute to the onset of kidney disease. One of the most important factors that determines the overall health of the cat's kidneys is water consumption. Cats eating dry food get less than half the moisture that cats eating a natural or canned diet do. This can result in dehydration and increased kidney stress.

    Natural Diet Benefits

    • Water balance is critical to kidney health, so feeding natural, moisture-rich canned or homemade meals is the best option. While it is important to allow a cat access to drinking water, cats prefer to get the bulk of their water content in the foods they consume and may not drink enough on their own to make up for this. Feeding a natural diet ensures your cat will be eating a toxin-free meal with ingredients that support kidney health. Feeding a natural, well-balanced diet also eliminates the need for additional supplements such as food additives and vitamins.

    Natural Diet Recommendations

    • Cats are carnivores and require foods they are equipped to digest. A cat's digestive tract can handle most human food, including meat. A natural cat diet should consist of 60 percent protein, 20 percent vegetables, and 20 percent grain (see References 2). Ground beef or chicken, preferably raw, are good meat choices. A raw egg mixed in once a week is also a good idea. Vegetables will be more palatable if they are lightly steamed. Limit grain content to brown rice, either boiled or steamed, mashed to a fine consistency. You may have to do a bit of experimenting to determine what your cat will and will not eat.