Side Effects of Reglan for Cats

The medication Reglan may be prescribed for a cat for a number of reasons. The medication is used to help control stomach irritations and vomiting. Although this is a human grade medication, it has been found therapeutically beneficial in pets.
  1. What is Reglan?

    • Reglan, a brand name for the drug known as metoclopramide, is an oral antinausea and antivomiting medication available in tablet or liquid form. It comes in 5 mg and 10 mg strengths. The medication is given approximately 30 minutes before eating to control vomiting.

    Uses of Reglan

    • Reglan is prescribed to help control vomiting or intestinal issues associated with diseases such as renal failure, chemotherapy, acid reflux or gastrointestinal disorders. It is also prescribed after surgery for some pets to reduce the risk of dietary complications. This medication is only available to pets by prescription from a veterinarian.

    Behavioral Side Effects

    • Some pet owners have reported behavioral changes after administering Reglan, including increased anxiety or "frenzied" behavior.

    Physical Side Effects

    • Reglan can cause physical side effects, such as sedation, constipation, and in some cases, nausea. This medication should not be used on cats with seizure disorders, as it lowers the seizure threshold. Consult with the prescribing veterinarian if you have concerns about seizures.


    • Reglan has multiple known drug interactions. If your pet is taking cimetidine, tetracycline, insulin, diazepam, atropine or digoxin, consult with your veterinarian to determine if there is any risk to the pet.