Medication to sedate a cat

There may be times in your cat's life when you need to sedate it. Moving, travel and bathing may be some of the instances in which it will be necessary to provide your cat with a sedative. There are various medications veterinarians prescribe for sedating cats. Talk to your veterinarian about which one will be most effective for your cat and your specific situation.
  1. Over the Counter

    • Diphenhydramine, the active ingredient in Benadryl, will provide a mild sedative in many cats. The over-the-counter medication can be given in a dosage of 1mg per pound of body weight every eight hours.


    • Known as "ace," this drug is one of the most commonly used to sedate dogs and cats. Dosage can be as much as .25mg per pound of body weight.


    • Diazepam, known more commonly as Valium, is often prescribed for sedation in cats when ace doesn't work. Diazepam is not associated with any serious side effects in cats.


    • If you are considering a sedative medication for your cat before air travel, you may want to rethink this. The American Veterinary Medical Association warns that sedating pets before air transport can be dangerous and sometimes fatal.


    • Some pets, and especially cats, are sometimes not affected in the way intended when they are administered sedatives. Rather than causing the pet to be calm and restful, the sedative may cause hyperactivity, anxiety and even aggression in a few animals.