Apple Pectin Dosage for Cats

Alternative medicines aren't just for people. An array of holistic veterinarians incorporates natural treatments into their practice. One of these treatments is apple pectin to improve a cat's digestive health.
  1. Not Just for Jams

    • Pectin is a carbohydrate made of a number of sugar molecules bonded together. You find it in ripe fruits in different quantities. Apples have high amounts of pectin in their inner skin. But you have probably heard of pectin in connection with jam making, not cat's health.

      Because of its starchy nature, pectin is able to turn your runny cooked fruit pulp into a gelatinous spread. It is because of this hardening quality that cat owners have also successfully added pectin to their pets' diet to cure diarrhea.

    How Apple Pectin Works

    • As veterinarian Nancy Scanlan explains in "The Veterinarian's Guide of Natural Remedies for Cats: Safe and Effective Alternative Treatments and Healing Techniques from the Nation's Top Holistic Veterinarians," pectin "has a gel-forming property that acts effectively to bind a loose bowel." But you have to be careful how you administer it to your cat.

    The Trick Is to Mix It

    • Apple pectin is available in tablets and capsules. You may also be able to find it in liquid form. However, Scanlan recommends you mix 1/8 of a teaspoon of pectin powder into your cat's food. Make sure you've blended the powder well so the pectin will absorb moisture before your cat eats. Scanlan warns that if you just sprinkle the apple pectin over the food, it will absorb moisture only after it enters your cat's stomach. It will then turn into a hard rock, which your cat will likely throw up without gaining any health benefit.

    Talk to Your Vet

    • For your cat's health, before you add apple pectin (or any supplement) to her diet, consult with a veterinarian. Simply because a substance is natural and has successfully healed other cats, it doesn't mean it doesn't pose any risks to your pet.

    Important to Know

    • Find out why your cat has diarrhea in the first place. It could be an isolated case of poor digestion, but there could be a yet-to-be-revealed serious illness causing the symptom.

      In addition, if your cat is being treated for another condition, it's possible the combination of medicine and apple pectin will cause an adverse reaction.

      Lastly, confirm the dosage suggested in this article by speaking to a veterinarian who knows your cat's weight and age. Remember that too much of a good thing may lead to damage and too little will just be a waste of your money.