How to Clear Up Urinary Tract Infections in Cats

Many cats will experience the discomfort and pain associated with a urinary tract infection at least once. Most often a UTI poses no serious threat, but if your cat has a urinary tract infection you need to treat it immediately. Untreated, the infection can spread into the kidneys and cause more serious problems. If you cat has a UTI, you can take steps at home to treat the infection. However, you should also take your cat to a veterinarian for a professional diagnosis and to ensure your pet isn't experiencing a more serious medical issue.

Things You'll Need

  • Electric water fountain
  • Long, shallow bowl
  • Deep bowl
  • Canned cat food
  • Chicken broth
  • Cranberry juice
  • Canned tuna
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      Encourage your cat to drink extra water. The more the cat drinks, the more the cat will urinate. Urinating more will help speed the flushing of the bacteria causing the infection from your cat's system. Try setting up a small electric water fountain for your cat. Many cats will drink more if they have a source of running water. Offer you cat water in a long, shallow dish as well as a deep water bowl. Some cats prefer to drink from different types of containers. You can also leave a faucet dripping where your cat can reach it.

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      Keep the litter box clean. Some cats may hold their urine, which keeps the bacteria in their systems, rather than use a dirty box. You want the cat to urinate as often as possible.

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      Ensure the cat always has access to a litter box and that children, dogs or other cats aren't harassing the cat when he or she needs to urinate.

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      Feed your cat canned foods and/or moisten dry kibble in water or chicken broth. Both will help the cat get more fluids in his or her system.

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      Try offering your cat cranberry juice. Some cats will lap it from a bowl. If this doesn't work for your cat, try mixing some cranberry juice in with canned tuna to encourage the cat to drink it.